Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Blood of Jesus - a Practice of Animism

Animism - a drink of liquids
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor,  an English Anthropologist, Founder of Cultural Anthropology, and Representative of Cultural Evolutionism was the first Anthropologist to propose that animism is a distinct nature in human culture - a thought that humans live along extraordinary, extracorporeal, and mostly invincible beings called souls, ghosts, saints and ferries, angels and cherubim, jinni, devils and gods. (Harris, M., 2001, p.17, par. 3)*
Tylor said religion exists wherever people believe the existence of one or more supernatural beings. But he pointed out a single exception where animistic belief are not found in every society in the century of ethnological research. (Harris, par. 4)
Although Tylor's critics found Buddhism to be a world religion, Tylor said the most problematic of his findings is Buddhism, which lacks believe in god and soul, and that despite Gautama's atheistic teachings, ordinary believers outside of Buddhist monasteries refuse to accept the theory of a no god and soul. (Harris, par. 4)
According to Tylor, Buddha, being a deity - and a successive reincarnation- is believed to be powerful over a pantheon of lower gods and demons; thus, this fully animistic creed has resulted into several varieties of Buddhism having spread from India to Tibet, Southeast Asia, China and Jepan. (Harris, par. 4)
Tylor commenting on the universality of animism, stated that in all times and places, a recurrent belief cannot be a mere fallacy, expecially, where there are good grounding evidence and experiences equally recurrent and universal. For instance, writing about experiences, Tylor mentioned dreams, trances, visions, shadows, reflections, and death. (Harris, par. 5)
People Search for the Unknown
A drink - similar to a drink of the blood of Jesus

Conversely, the animistic belief in the blood of Jesus holds sway over witchcraft I believe has led thousands to believe that the witch doctor or the pastor has power to evoke an invincible creature, perhaps, a god, an angel - an extracorporeal to grant them protection over wizards and witches.
Today, most churches have asked their members seeking protection from witchcraft to have handy a bottle of vimto consecrated by prayers that symbolizes the blood of Jesus. They assert that there is power in the blood referring to the blood's ability to perform the supernatural.
I believe because of man's vulnerability or powerlessness in this troubled world, mankind search for God through any means, knowingly or unknowingly, thus, animism; and the blood of Jesus, is no exception once people gain positive results believing the blood of Jesus has micracleous power, they'll always look to that  god-like power for help.
As other people drink of the bottle of liquid concoction they receive from the witch doctor for power, protection, or good fortune; similarly, most Charismatic churchgoers drink the blood of Jesus to obtain the same purpose. Yet, they deny, and say they hate animistic practices, when in effect they carry on the practice right in the church or at home. What is wrong with this practice from the Bible's standpoint as Christians? And what's wrong about a believe in animistic practice like witchcraft?
Witchcraft - Satan's Design to Create Fear
Alleged witch died with human hand in mouth

If we understand God's viewpoint regarding animism - because He's the true living God - and understand also that witchcraft is a phenomenon that makes people sick, we'll guide against the deceptive belief in the blood of Jesus to bring us spiritual relief from dangers.
This animistic practice of drinking the so-called blood of Jesus is a talisman or a form of juju that has no root in the Bible, but rooted in spiritism. (Isa. 8:19,20) It's one of the machinations of the Devil, who'll never stop deceiving people until he eventually turns them away from serving God in spirit and in truth.
Satan is obviously making use of our inborn desire for security from danger by a supernatural force, and given we look for quick solution, we go for  the vimto blood of Jesus protection; absolutely, we leave behind the essence of God being our Creator, and whose ability to save, rescue or provide us escape from witchcraft, is incontestable. (Lev. 19:31; 20:6,27)
Get it straight that a person who doesn't believe in witchcraft can never be hexed by wizards and witches, but if this person actually believes in black magic or juju or witchcraft can harm, certainly, will become ill from his belief - hence, a victim of his own belief. (Werner, D., et al, 1992)#
"A witch has no power over people, except for her ability to make them believe she has." (Werner, D., et al, 1992, p.5, par.2)
Today, there are certain natural causes of illness most people who think are bewitched associate to witchcraft or black magic - such as mental illness, and tumors of the abdomen. These have nothing to do with witchcraft.(Werner, et al, par.3)
So, don't waste time, effort or money at churches or shines that claim to cure witchcraft; and don't seek protection or revenge against a witch because it may do you more harm than good. Therefore, take seriously ill people for medical treatment. (Werner, et al, par.4)
In other words, fear heals or harms in that if one strongly holds that something will hurt him, his own fear can harm him, such as an unhealthy belief in the blood of Jesus against witchcraft can harm you adversely by dabbling into animism, a deviation, thus a complete lack of faith in Jehovah God.
It is common today in the churches people who go for deliverance or are forced into deliverance sessions, being demonized, would confess that she is a witch, and had the power to have bewitched some members of her family. 
Probably, the self-proclaimed witch (often the witches are women or girls) would point an accusing finger to an innocent old mother or aunt, as a witch, people believe responsible for the family mishap. 
This goes to explain why most old and sickly women have been abandoned by their children or families in Africa, and they languish in the streets, because some demon-possessed pastors made people believe a witch has power to harm them. They fool them to come for deliverance sessions to get more money or material things from them.
Fear of Witchcraft is Hysterical
Supposedly practicing witchcraft religion
The vimto-blood-drinking of Jesus (for an extraterrestrial power) is a sort of hysteria caused by sudden fright in witchcraft, black magic or evil spirits people believe is responsible for their misfortunes. Thus, a person who doesn't believe in God - but trusts in the blood of Jesus to have protective powers, becomes very nervous and afraid. (Werner, et al, p.24, par.1)
If you attend some deliverance services, you'll no doubt find people collapsing, shaking or behaving strangely. In other situation, people who become hysteric from fear, don't eat, they lose weight, or die suddenly - not actually from witchcraft - but certainly from hysteria, being afraid of witchcraft. (Werner, et al, par.2)
Hysteria, a state of fear could be caused by the power of belief, where someone, afraid of being hexed nervously refuse to eat, sleep well, but grows weak or lose weight because she believes evil spirits are after to harm her. Thus, she would become more and more nervous and frightened, then her situation gets worse and worse to the point of death, if not death, immediately. (par.2)
Hence, drinking that vimto blood of Jesus at every occasion as if its a charm for protection or luck is certainly not a Bible teaching, but a Satan-inspired belief to turn you away from putting your trust in God for salvation. (1 Joh  2:1,2)
Jesus never ever taught his followers or disciples that after his death his blood would be drunk to perform signs, wonders and miracles; or neither did Jesus' apostles ever drank the blood of Jesus after his death for any purpose other than when they drank the wine of his blood once every year at the memorial of Jesus' death. (1 Cor. 11:26; Mt. 26:28)
When Jesus commissioned his disciples to preach in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the most distant part of the world, he told them that the power of the Holy Spirit (Joh 3:5-8; 2 Cor.1:21,22) would come upon them to do great things - but not the power of his blood.
The blood of Jesus has nothing to do with their ministry. Even first century Christians (Jews in Jeruselem) who practiced "The Way" (as Christianity was called), and Christians in Asia minor (Jews and Gentiles, among whom The Apostle Paul preached the Good news about Christ's death and resurrection), did not practice this 'blood-of-Jesus-thing.' (Acts 11:25)
Disproving Blood of Jesus Belief
Power in the blood  of Jesus doesn't mean power for our personal and sinnful aggrandizement
Therefore, the Bible in Hebrews Chapter 10 verses 29, 30 and 31 warns those thoughtlessly who make a "Cheap thing" the blood of Jesus, or a mockery of Christ sacrifice for our sins. Thus, because they hate  Jesus, evidently, a hate and gross disrespect for God, they'll not escape God's vengeance of eternal damnation (Rev. 22:8; 22:15):
"What, then, of those who despise the Son of God? who treat as a cheap thing the blood of God's covenant which purified them from sin? who insult the Spirit of grace? Just think how much worse is the punishment they will deserve! For we know who said, “I will take revenge, I will repay”; and who also said, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!"
Further, Heb. 10:9,10 tells us Jesus willingly came to earth to make offering for our sins once and for all time. Yes, Christ sacrificed his body or blood for our sins, and not for any other stupid purpose:
"Then he said, “Here I am, O God, to do your will.” So God does away with all the old sacrifices and puts the sacrifice of Christ in their place. Because Jesus Christ did what God wanted him to do, we are all purified from sin by the offering that he made of his own body once and for all."
According to verses 12-14 of Hebrews 10, it helps us appreciate that Christ sacrifice for our sins, was an effective offering forever. This offering makes us perfectly purified from sin. Read:
"Christ, however, offered one sacrifice for sins, an offering that is effective forever, and then he sat down at the right side of God. There he now waits until God puts his enemies as a footstool under his feet. With one sacrifice, then, he has made perfect forever those who are purified from sin."
Consequently, Heb. 10:15-18 tells us that Jesus' blood sealed a new covenant between man and God, which otherwise, would not have been possible for God's laws to be written on our minds and in our hearts. So, Jesus doesn't need to die over and over again, because our sins have been forgiven forever. Now, read: 
"And the Holy Spirit also gives us his witness. First he says, “This is the covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts and write them on their minds.” And then he says, “I will not remember their sins and evil deeds any longer.” So when these have been forgiven, an offering to take away sins is no longer needed."
Unlike the Mosiac law when blood of goats and bulls were being offered as sin atonement, Jesus' blood was a perfect sacrifice that purified us to obtain the prospect of everlasting life, thus, free from the "useless" Mosaic law rituals. Read Heb. 9:12-14: 
"When Christ went through the tent and entered once and for all into the Most Holy Place, he did not take the blood of goats and bulls to offer as a sacrifice; rather, he took his own blood and obtained eternal salvation for us. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a burnt calf are sprinkled on the people who are ritually unclean, and this purifies them by taking away their ritual impurity. Since this is true, how much more is accomplished by the blood of Christ! Through the eternal Spirit he offered himself as a perfect sacrifice to God. His blood will purify our consciences from useless rituals, so that we may serve the living God."
Jesus' death frees us from superstition, and gives us life eternal
As we have seen, the Bible in Heb. 10:29, 30 does not condone those who make a "Cheap thing" the blood of Jesus - a  mockery of Christ sacrifice for our sins. It's a mockery to take the precious blood of a beloved one in a bottle of vimto, and drink anytime you're in trouble. 

This act is a hate crime - you hate God, so, you rubbish all His efforts to give eternal life through His son, Jesus Christ. This isn't only a disrespect, but a despise of God's Universal Sovereignty (God's right over humanity) - a preferment of Satanism.

This crime will not go unpunished, for the great Day of God will catch up all those who hate Him. By drinking that vimto-thing, it means you repudiate the purpose of the blood of Jesus - certainly, a death sentence, a lost of eternal life! (Gal. 5: 19-21) Is that what you want?

Also, Heb. 10:9,10 said Jesus was not under any compulsion to lay down his life for our sins. Out of love, he did. Then, should we be so myopic and disregard this kindly gesture?

Since Jesus offered his blood once and for all time, how sad it is to drink the blood of Jesus with a stupid intent to destroy witchcraft or to gain protection from it? Was Jesus blood shed for anything other than the sacrifice for our sins? 

Heb. 10:12-14 clearly said that Jesus sacrificed his blood for our sins to be blotted out forever - a perfect purification! What else do we want from Christ? Should we downplay Christ sacrifice by drinking his blood every time we're under a perceived attack?  Do you know what it means for someone to die, then you play fun with his blood? Please, Jesus should not suffer an enormous death again and again! This is cruel! But that is what you do - you're very cruel when the blood of Jesus, to you, fights black magic or evil spirits on your behalf! That is not the intended purpose for the blood of Jesus!

Finally, the blood of Jesus sets us free from the ritualistic Mosaic law when blood of bulls and goats were offered on a daily basis. His blood offered once and for all time makes us right with God to obtain the hope of everlasting salvation on an earthly paradise where the animistic hysteria of demons, witchcraft, black magic and evil spirits shall be the things of the past. So, fear God, instead, and give Him glory.
*Harris, M. (2001). "Why We Become Religious and The Evolution of the Spirit World." Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion - An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural,(5th Edition), 16-19.

#Werner, D., Thuman, C., Maxwell, J., & Pearson, A. (1992).Where There Is No Doctor - A Village Health Care Book For Africa(Revised ed., Witchcraft & Hysteria). London, UK: Macmillan.
@ All scriptural references from Good News Bible
Copyright @2017 Alfred Massaquoi

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