Monday, January 9, 2017

People Die Having Sex - Don't Die?

By Pastor Alfred Massaquoi
Please God  - you'll not die

I know some people will scoff, and say, "What does this idiot mean - people die having sex? Since I became manhood or womanhood, I've been having sex - why I didn't die, and people all around me are having sex everyday, they're not dying from sex related causes, either? What's the meaning of this? Does he want to panic me by this sensational theme?"

Certainly, I don't want to panic you - I love you so much, and I can't stand by and watch you die. I must save you from the danger ahead of you. Let me illustrate:

Illustrating the Topic
Train derailment
You're on a train, right now, and the train is hijacked. The hijacker is holding you, including 6.9 billion passengers to ransom. The train is on the move. Underway, many passengers come onboard. But at transit points, the train alights passengers because they changed their mind from the journey, or they have reached destination.

Onboard the train also there are other passengers. They're continuing, but don't know where they're heading to. To them, it's a pleasure onboard the train. 

Do you know that too much of one thing is good for nothing? Or do you also know that what sweets goat is what runs its stomach?

Conversely, you and the other passengers onboard don't know where the train is heading, and you don't want to know either. All you care about is enjoying your trip. Why, because you're so much engrossed in your pleasure seeking or good time, and you ignore warning signals - first, your mind tends to ask you: "My friend, where are you heading to?" Secondly, your heart beats responding to the quary of the mind, perhaps, you're heading for grave danger - but your dead conscience each time ignores the warning signals, because you're bent on enjoying.

However, there is another warning you should not ignore, it's me - my warning - because am at the train terminal, and the train has stopped to carryout its regular routine: disembark passengers, and take in more onboard.

Then I howl a loud shout: 'Fire - fire in the train - hurry, get down, else you'll die!' But the train driver and others kept fooling you to think that the train's fire extinguisher is ever ready to move into action to put off the fire.

At this juncture, what will you do? Would you abandon the train's pleasure trail and heed the fire alarm, or would you continue onboard the danger train? The fire alarm was a signal that you're in danger - danger in that, although, the fire is put off by the extinguisher you risk dying still because the driver's intent is to get more passengers onboard to derail the train to your death at destination off the cliff. 

He wants to kill you because he has hatred for you and the other inmates onboard. He's doing this because he, himself, will soon die, and he's jealous that you should live. For him, he has been sentenced to death - and he's already serving his prison term.

Well, this is merely an illustration, but what have you learnt from it? Now, am I still an idiot, though the illustration? Does the illustration make sense to you? Personally, I don't think so - not until I declare my intention for this topic: "People die having Sex - Don't die?"

Well, who says there is something wrong having sex? Who died from having sex lately? Then, why the topic? Then it's bogus, you might say again - perhaps, he's entertaining us by the use of suspense!

Illicit Sexual Intercourse Death-dealing
To be honest with you, I won't water down this message: don't die by having sex - people die by having sex. Frankly, sexual intercourse is intended for married couples. You get it? Hence, if you're married, you're free to have sex - you'll not die if you sleep with only your spouse. Sex is necessary for reproduction - to have children, and to enjoy mutual intimacy with your spouse - these are gifts from God.

Therefore, if you're married, you're exempted, but if you're single, and you fornicate, you're in trouble. For a matter of fact, if you're married and you have sex with someone other than your wife or husband, you're in trouble.

Now, let's put it straight - those who commit adultery (sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse), or commit fornication (sex before marriage), will die in sex, or you won't enter God's Kingdom.

Myself was Caughtup in the Train

You see, I don't want you die - this is the reason for this article. You copy me? Now, do you understand? Or you don't want to understand?

Let me don't exempt myself by appearing before you righteous. I was onboard that train heading for destruction, but I got down, when I came to my senses quickly because I sensed danger when I considered things concerning the driver of the train. He looked weird - a psychopath. I suspected him of some mischiefs I couldn't just lay my index finger on. So, I figured out I must alight the train at a certain train stop. I did. 

So, you see,  I've been there - that's why I can see that you're in danger, and I want to get you out before it's too late. Now, get down that train immediately whilst there's still little time left before disaster strikes. Here's the next transit point, get down, so you won't die!

Unraveling the Illustration

What's the meaning of all these? What does this illustration mean? The train is the world so full of appealing things to the eyes, glamorous, if you like, because inside it there are lots of entertainment. Like onboard the train, there's DVD, loud music, women and sex, riches and material things, and lots of food and drinks.

The driver, nodoubt, is Satan, the Devil, who hates you, and he's misleading you to your early grave. Because he's desperate (Rev.12:12), to attract you, he sponsors the entertainment onboard the train as he's in control. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1Joh. 5:19) It's a mechanism to keep you onboard to eventually dump you off the cliff. Therefore, would you want to follow entertainment, and lose your soul?

Moreover, the people at every transit alighting the train are people like me, who previously practiced the same things onboard, came to their senses having heeded the fire alarm. They decided to act fast to save themselves and others.

Also, others alighted from the train, were the dead. They died onboard the train obsessed with entertainment before the train could arrive it's destination. And the stopping of the train; either, the train stopped at transits to drop the body bags, or to add more passengers onboard.

The new passengers enjoy the trail. They don't know what they're getting into. They joined the train because they heard ear-drum blasting sound of jolly good music in the train, the laughter and the amusement. They're carried away by their desires to be part of the good things they see in the train.

These people did not see the dead dropped because the dead were wrapped in body bags literally hidden from public view, else no one would join the train.

Who Will Die in Sexual Sin?
Run for your life
Yes, people who commit adultery, fornication, and other pervert sexual practices will die - yes, if you violate God's command, you'll die in sin by sleeping with someone you're not married to, in the true sense of the word.

Death, spoken of herein, is spiritual death, because, to God, you're dead in His eyes - walking on sinking ground, or for better use of words - you're a living dead. See proof in the scriptures below:

Let the Bible Speaks for Itself
Boyfriend and girlfriend - stay away
Heb. 13:4 reads: "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the bed be undefiled: but God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers."

"Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom." (1 Cor. 6:9, 10)

In the first century, James, in the midst of Paul and Barnabas, the elders and other apostles in Jerusalem, made this comment about immoral behavior in Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 15:19,20: 

“Therefore my judgment is that we don’t trouble those from among the Gentiles who turn to God, but that we write to them that they abstain from the pollution of idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood."

 The Apostle Paul in Galatians mentions the works of the flesh tantamount to death at Gal. 5:19,20:

"Now the deeds of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom."

Do you see for yourself in those scriptures what I mean people die having sex? Do you understand that people having illicit sex die? 

When people don't enter God's kingdom - it simply means - they die. They will die a spiritual death now, as already mentioned, but shall die at the battle on the great Day of Almighty God called in Hebrew Armageddon (Rev. 16:14, 16); certainly, a physical death, when God destroys all flesh (Zep.1:2) that is sinning, and Ezekiel 18:4 puts it clearly: "The person who sins is the one that will die." (GNB) And Zechariah 14:3 says that Jehovah will go out and war against nations, as He has fought in the past. 

So, think about this, and have a nice day, my friend.

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