Sunday, January 8, 2017

Holy Ghost Fire - Micracle or Magic?

By Pastor Alfred Massaquoi
"Suddenly there came from the sky a sound like the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.Tongues like fire appeared and were distributed to them, and one sat on each of them.They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak. (Acts 2:2-4, Amplied Bible*)

Keywords in the theme Defined
Holy Ghost
"In the scriptures the Holy Ghost has been called the Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, and the Comforter; regardless of His name, His influence can be felt in the hearts of God’s righteous children of every era. The Holy Ghost is a teacher, revelator, and comforter. He is also a sanctifier, a crucial role since our salvation depends on sanctification." (Holy Ghost,
"The holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force. (Micah 3:8; Luke 1:35) God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will.—Psalm 104:30; 139:7.
In the Bible, the word “spirit” is translated from the Hebrew word ruʹach and the Greek word pneuʹma. Most often, those words refer to God’s active force, or holy spirit. (Genesis 1:2)...these meanings all share the sense of something invisible to humans that produces visible effects. Similarly, the spirit of God, “like the wind, is invisible, immaterial and powerful.”—An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. E. Vine.
The Bible also refers to God’s holy spirit as his “hands” or “fingers.” (Psalm 8:3; 19:1;Luke 11:20; compare Matthew 12:28.) Just as a craftsman uses his hands and fingers to do his work, God has used his spirit to produce such results as the universe.—Psalm 33:6; Isaiah 66..." (Holy Ghost,
This simple illustration can help one understand who or what the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is: 
The Holy Ghost is like the electric current from the Power House (Jehovah God) that puts on our light bulbs, gadgets, devices or electrical appliances. Thus, these elements function with electricity. And they cease to function seconds when the power is off. 
Also, in the absence of a generator there shall be no power or current or electricity ever existing by itself similar to the solar panel that needs the sun for its energy emissions.
Evidently, the Holy Spirit is a byproduct of the Almighty, otherwise is nonfunctional or powerless unless God energizes it - sends it, directs it, instructs it - thus, it cannot be felt or operational in the lives of humans if God does not will in terms of the performance of signs, wonders and miracles.
In the Bible, the Holy Spirit has been referred to fire: All of Mount Sinai smoked, because Yahweh descended on it in fire; and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly. (Exodus 19:28)
"On the day that the tabernacle was raised up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, even the Tent of the Testimony: and at evening it was over the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until morning. So it was continually. The cloud covered it, and the appearance of fire by night." (Numbers 9:15,16)
A Miracle is defined as: "An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. 2. such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God. 3. a wonder; marvel." (Micracle,
"A miracle is a less common kind of God's activity in which he arouses people's awe and wonder and bears witness to himself.? He justifies this definition by awe, or amazement in such a way that God bears witness to himself (Systematic Theology, chapter 52." (Micracle,, Grudem, 2009)
Magic is defined as, "a :  The use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces; b : magic rites or incantations; 2:  an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source; b: something that seems to cast a spell: enchantment, and 3:  the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand." (Magic, Meridian-Webster dictionary)
Magic is "The art or practice of using charms, spells, or rituals to attempt to produce supernatural effects or control events in nature. b. The charms, spells, and rituals so used. 2. The exercise of sleight of hand or conjuring, as in making something seem to disappear, for entertainment." (Magic,
So, holy ghost fire, is it micracle or magic? Or an incantation or an enchantment holy ghost fire, is it an act of micracle or magical manifestation? How common is this practice today? 
Should we or should we not as Christians cast spell or charm to ritualistically produce supernatural control over nature for our benefits? 
Well, a background to this thematic will give you an idea how wide spread holy ghost fire has been in this materialistic world.
Growth of Chrismatism - Money & Sex

Today, the Pentecostal Charismatic faith is one of the fastest Christian denominations ever growing in this twenty-first century. Pentecostal Charismatism has spread all over the world about two decades now, and it's the Church to thousands of people who seek quick solution for happiness, wealth, prestige, and or protection against evil spirits.
The Church is fastest growing because anyone overnight can form this belief just with a small family and friend, and before you know it, the Church has been established, and drumming, singing, dancing and loud speakers blurring your ears in the neighborhood.
Also, because the Church is the fastest way to make money, and before you blink your eyes, a sprinter Church has been formed by some male or female, and she or he is collecting money also, because, in these Churches, much money exchange hands.
However, looking at how things trend today, one would otherwise hold that the founding gurus of this Church didn't intend the practice of the Churches become so low-key and indulgence into money-making and rampant sexual immorality, reported among most Charismatic Churches' pastors.
Conversely, for constant cash flow, fame and control or authority over their spiritually weak members (particularly, women looking for solutions) - who don't read the Bible to find out the truth for themselves, most pastors sell, what I call, 'Faith-Aids' paraphernalia to them - olive oil, blood of Jesus, candle, the Florida Water, salt, handkerchief or mantle, and the rest. These have become the order of service attracted to a multitude of people.
Churchgoers look for Solution
Furthermore, because the churchgoers look for signs, wonders and miracles, the greedy pastors seize advantage of them, and sell to them 'Faith-Aids' paraphernalia, or the pastor would ask them to buy the holy spirit. The members pay for the holy spirit because they believe the pastor has exceptional ability to evoke holy spirit protection on them. 
However, what they know or don't want to investigate is where do the Churches power of micracle come from, since they get what they want from the practice? 
Researchers have said that an open market in Nigeria, Ghana, Beni, India, for example - for amulets, charms or talisman made of human body parts can be purchased for ritualistic purposes for church use or personal use. And most Charismatic pastors have acquired these magical means to astound members that their powers from God, and while flamboyantly rich pastors sought power, fame, wealth from the Aluminati (Baphomate - Satan worshipping.)
Holy Ghost Fire Chanting for Luck
Moreover, what is widely practice is the enchantment - the Holy Ghost Fire expression in times of trouble the Church is aware of. Thus, they believe by the spoken phrasal words they would cast spell on witchcraft or receive instantaneous holy ghost intervention against evil spirits (witchcraft or black magic) they perceive want to harm them.
Consequently, little do they know or want to know that they are employing (by charm or incarnation, spelling or casting) the very witchcraft or black magic they profess the holy ghost helps them to fight against.
In deliverance service, the Holy Ghost Fire expression is generally accepted and used widely. And since the people believe evil lurks after them, the pastor tell them to use the words at every current or foreseeable danger contrary to Prov. 18:10: "Yahweh’s name is a strong tower: the righteous run to him, and are safe."
Sadly today, rather than Jehovah a Strong Tower of protection, evil men have downsized God and replaced Him by the holy ghost fire syndrome.
Occasionally, almost half way through their services, those Godforsaken Churches leaving holy ghost phrase behind, they chant, "The fire, the fire, the fire, the fire..." believing holy ghost fire will burn their enemies, thus, bringing them relief from perceived attackers.
Come to think of it, are the Churches right to rubbish the God of the universe, rather than praying to Him for help, they call down holy ghost fire for protection? What's the Bible view of the practice?
Bible warns Against Holy Spirit Abuse

About not abusing the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Bible warned in Ephesians 4:30: "Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
Is it not foolishness - or abusive speech against the Holy Spirit, when you chant: Holy Ghost Fire, Holy Ghost Fire, Holy Ghost Fire? Was the Holy Ghost or Spirit meant to be called at every occasion to destroy your enemies? Or do we have the Holy Spirit to blasphemy against - or does God give the Holy Spirit to us a "fun box?"
In Mathew 12:32 the Bible further warned: "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, neither in this age, nor in that which is to come."
Furthermore, don't you know as often you pronounce Holy Ghost Fire you are dabbling into magic or Satanism by discrediting the Holy Spirit making it seem as if it's a useless idol - and you know God warned against idolatry? - Ex. 20:4.
Isaiah 63:10 reports: "But they rebelled, and grieved his Holy Spirit. Therefore he turned and became their enemy, and he himself fought against them."
Yes, because you grieve the Holy Spirit you lose automatically God's protection, and Paul said, that is why you people are weak and miserable (Gal. 4:9); thus, susceptible to Satan, who controls (1 John 5:19) this world, including those fake pastors he ordained as agents of darkness (2 Cor. 4:4) to mislead you to destruction. (Zep. 1:2)
Acts 20:28 admonishes pastors: "Take heed, therefore, to yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the assembly of the Lord and...God which he purchased with his own blood."
About the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit, Mark 13:11 reminds Christians: "When they lead you away and deliver you up, don’t be anxious beforehand, or premeditate what you will say, but say whatever will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit."
Yes, John the Baptist, recognizing the role of the Holy Spirit, said this about it: " I indeed baptize[d] you in water for repentance, but he who comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.[e]"
 Fire Represents God's Angel or Presence

In the Bible, the Holy Spirit as fire was not literal flames, but the best discription in that it appears like fire. And fire in the Old Testament sometimes represents God's presence, symbolizing God's holiness and purity. See proof below: 
"Yahweh’s[a] angel appeared to him [Moses] in a flame of fire out of the middle of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed." (Ex. 3:2)
"All of Mount Sinai smoked, because Yahweh descended on it in fire; and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly." (Ex. 19:18)
"Yahweh will create over the whole habitation of Mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy." (Isa. 4:5)

Today, Satan has employed many schemes or strategies to mislead people from true worship of the only true God, Jehovah; thus, magic is one of those, where people chant for solution to their problems.
What's the use to chant Holy Ghost Fire against perceive danger, when you can run to God in faith with your problems? - Heb. 11:4-6.
The choice is yours, chose whether micracle or magic - Jehovah or Satan - but, as for me and my household, we shall run to the name of Jehovah, because his name is a strong tower of protection (Ps. 91:1-10), and not Holy Ghost Fire!
* All scriptural references
are from the Amplied Bible.

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