Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Righteous Suffers for the Unrighteous - Who Says God is Unjust?

​By Pastor Alfred Massaquoi

800,000 Tutsis and Moderate Hutus Slaughtered

​A righteous person is someone who worships Almighty God Jehovah: he prays to God regularly, does good and turns aside from doing bad things because he loves God and wants to please Him.

Inspite of his devotion to God, today, many are the calamities of good people. It's like a good man jumps into one trouble to another; it's like jumping from the fry pan to the fire, or his problems grow from bad to worse, and from worse to ridiculous!

On the contrary, the unrighteous man or the wicked man doesn't seem to have problems at all. You can see that his children grow healthy, drink milk, go to the best schools and obtain all the love, care and attention money can afford; whilst the poor good man's children feed on one meal a day, often go to bed hungry; and seemingly, the family tends to eke out a living on less than a dollar a day, only if this dollar is found.

Furthermore, the wicked rich man, if he's in trouble or a lawsuit, his money doesn't get tired to bail him out, in most poor African countries, like Liberia. True, don't go into dispute with the wicked rich and powerful for you won't win to tell the story, if God isn't by your side. For the wicked rich, life is a success. Life is glamorous, sweet and fulfilling.

Why throw Caution to the Wind?

This scenario described in the introduction is not often always the case that the good person sleeps with hunger, and the wicked rich becomes richer. Also, don't get mixed up nor be confused when I describe the 'wicked rich' and the 'poor good man,' in such terms.

Conversely, this does not mean that 'all poor' are good, and 'all rich' are wicked. Today, there are many rich people who fear God and worship him, whereas, there are many poor people who love money and material things. So, they tend to be bad. Therefore, righteous and unrighteous is not applicable in this sense.

Nonetheless, people blame God for permitting injustices -- suffering -- yes, untold suffering. But they don't stop to think that blaming God will do them more harm than good, that pointing an accusing finger at God for wickedness reaches Him nowhere as the distance between God and man is a distance separated by the firmament.

Sadly, we live today in a world where some men have power and others have to suffer under them. How true this is today when we watch dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world crash their peoples, often to death. Is it God?

Evidently, we have all witnessed abuse of power around the world that have resulted into uprising and violence, war, war crimes, crime against humanity and genocide, famine and disease.

Is God responsible? Or does He execute the acts? Creating us simply doesn't make God the perpetuator of bad things that happen to us! Let's see below how man has dominated his fellow man to his injury irrespective of God's commands to "love your neighbor as yourself -or, do unto others as you want them do unto you."

Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide 

Today, people commit hideous crime like "Ethnic Cleansing." Is God to blame? Haven't you heard about ethnic cleansing, have you? Well, ethnic cleansing* is a process in which an ethnic army group advances and expels civilians of other ethnicities from towns and villages it captures and creates an ethnic enclave purely for members of its ethnic group.
In former Yugoslavia during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina* between 1992 to 1995, there was widespread ethnic cleansing.

A large number of Bosnia Muslims and Bosnia Croasts expelled from their homes by Bosnia Serbs, while some Bosnia Serbs did similar thing to Muslims and Serbs in Central Bosnia. However, Bosnia Serbs committed the worse atrocities* compared to the other ethnic groups.

Serbian military commander in Bosnia, Ratko Mladic,* most times issued specific orders to his subordinates to shell a particular village more than others believed less Serbs and more Muslims lived there.
More than 200, 000 civilians killed in Bosnia and Croatia since the war, and tens of thousands of women raped, some, more than hundred times*. Their sons and husbands beaten and tortured in concentration camps, and millions displaced from their homes due to ethnic cleansing.

The number of those who lost their homes increased with the expulsion of Serbs from Croatia and with the ferocious atrocities committed by Serbs* against the Albanian majority in Kosovo.

As of May 1, 2005, ten years after the war ended, 14,444* total number of persons as of date have not been found by the International Committee of the Red Cross tracing request opened by families.*
Clothes of the murdered in the Rwandan genocide
April to July 1994 saw the worse genocide¶ in Rwanda's history, when, in the next three months, Hutu extremists massacred 800, 000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Kigali, the nation's capital spreading the genocide throughout the east-central African nation.
"Within an hour of the plane crash, the Presidential Guard together with members of the Rwandan armed forces (FAR) and Hutu militia groups known as the Interahamwe (“Those Who Attack Together”) and Impuzamugambi (“Those Who Have the Same Goal”) set up roadblocks and barricades and began slaughtering Tutsis and moderate Hutus with impunity. Among the first victims of the genocide were the moderate Hutu Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana and her 10 Belgian bodyguards, killed on April 7." ¶
As you can see the people targeted were members of the Tutsi ethnic minority and political opponents despite their ethnic origin. Evidently, ordinary citizens incited to go brutal in arms against their neighbors by local officials in the Hutu led government.

Rwandan Hutus about 85% felt insecure by the Tutsi minority having long dominated the country, although, in 1959, the Hutus had overthrown the Tutsis monarchy, which resulted into tens of thousands Tutsis exiled in Uganda and neighboring countries. Tutsi rebel group styled the Rwandan Patriotic Front ( RPF) of a group of Tutsi refugees returned to Rwanda in 1990 in an invasion, and fighting ensued until a 1993 peace deal was agreed.#
But what sparked the genocide, was a plane shot down on the night of April 6, 1994# killing everyone onboard, including the then President Juvenal Habyarimana, and counterpart Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi (both Hutus).
Militias take to the Streets in Mayhem

Shortly, Hutu extremists# took to the streets in a well-planed slaughter campaign blaming the Tutsi's RPF rebels, but the RPF said the plane was shot down by Hutus themselves as a pretext to carryout the genocide.
Hutu militias handled a list of government opponents, and murdered them and their families. Neighbors slaughtered neighbors, while some Hutu husbands killed their Tutsi wives for fear of being killed if they refused.#

At road checkpoints for ID cards, which had people's ethnic group on them, Hutu militias often used machetes# to slaughter Tutsis as most Rwandans kept machetes around the house, and thousands of Tutsi women abducted as sex slaves.

Whilst these killings went on the UN and Belgium mission# in Rwanda, did nothing to stop it using an alibi that their forces were not given a mandate.

Another nonchalance, was the US refusal to involve in the conflict because US troops were killed in Somalia a year before. The Belgians and most UN peace keepers pulled out when ten Belgians were killed.#
As for the French, allied to the Hutu government, allegedly set up a safe zone, but was accused# of not doing much to stop the massacre in the area, and Rwanda's current president also accused French involvement in the slaughter - a charge denied by France.

Certainly, the list of wickedness or unrighteousness or lawlessness goes on and on from country to country, where the innocents and the law-abiding people suffer the consequences. 
People Praise Men than Praise God

Another wickedness we have seen in this world is for an evil man to be praised for his crime. Solomon said wicked men buried but people on their way back home from the cemetery praised them in the very city they perpetuated their crime.

Fidel Castro still lives on even though he is dead
An example can drive home this point, although, I don't share the views about the late Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz in the following documented reports about him because I cannot judge him or label him an unrighteous man. 

According to Wikipedia^ on Fidel Castro, he was a Cuban revolutionary and politician who governed the Republic of Cuba as Prime Minister for 18 years and then as President for 32 years.

Politically a Marxist–Leninist and Cuban nationalist, Wikipedia stated that Fidel also served as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba from 1961 until 2011.

Wikipedia said that under his administration, Cuba became a one-party socialist state, where industry and business nationalized and state socialist reforms implemented throughout Cuba.

It said Fidel participated in rebellions against right-wing governments in the Dominican Republic and Colombia, and later planned the overthrow of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista, but failed in 1953.
He was imprisoned for one year, according to the  report, and upon his release, he traveled to Mexico where he formed a revolutionary group, called the 26th of July Movement, with his brother Raúl Castro and Che Guevara.

Returning to Cuba, the report says Castro took a key role in the Cuban Revolution by leading the Movement in aguerrilla war against Batista's forces from the Sierra Maestra. After Batista's overthrow in 1959, the report says, Castro assumed military and political power as Cuba's Prime Minister.

Adopting a Marxist–Leninist model of government, Castro converted Cuba into a one-party, socialist state under Communist Party rule, the first in the Western hemisphere, according to Wikipedia, and elaborating, policies introducing central economic planning and expanding healthcare and education were accompanied by state control...

Frances Martel° in his article on Fidel in carried the banner headline: "Cuba has released Danilo Maldonado Machado, an artist also known as “El Sexto,” after nearly two months in prison for having celebrated the death of Fidel Castro in public."

Frances reported, "While the Cuban government alleged that his arrest was related to spray-painting the words “se fue” (“he’s gone”) onto a wall in Havana, Maldonado was never charged with a crime or allowed to stand trial.

He spent 57 days behind bars for the graffiti and a Facebook Live video in which he asked passersby if they were happy that Castro was dead. The video was filmed the night dictator Raúl Castro announced his older brother’s death."

He continues, "During the first few days of his arrest in late November, Maldonado was reportedly stripped naked and beaten until police induced an asthma attack and then refused him an inhaler. Maldonado told his mother Victoria that he suspected that guards were sneaking tranquilizers into his food in order to prevent him from shouting, “down with Fidel” and “down with Raúl,” from his prison cell where other inmates could hear him. Maldonado refused to eat initially.

In prison, Maldonado wrote letters surging the Cuban people to revolt against communism, smuggled out by his mother and published on Facebook by his fiancée, Cuban-American journalist Alexandra Martínez. “The Cuban people march by force under the sun and shout slogans like ‘I am Fidel,’ but many are silent because the Cuban people fear, and with fear one cannot be free,” he wrote. “We must learn to demystify a murderer, because if not, that day [that Castro dies], nothing will happen.”

However, "Fidel Castro is more of a presence in death than in recent life" wrote Mimi Whitefield∆ in the world news stating, "Castro’s ashes reside in a granite tomb that says simply “Fidel,” and during the nine days of national mourning following his death, Cubans by the thousands chanted “Yo Soy Fidel” (I am Fidel) as a caravan with Castro’s ashes moved across the country en route to Santiago."

Whitefield said, "Two months after the remains of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro were laid to rest, his voice and thoughts continue to resonate from beyond the grave.

Castro, via events in his honor and retrospectives, still makes an almost daily appearance on the front page of Granma, the Communist Party newspaper. After the recent end of the long-standing policy of allowing Cubans to enter the U.S. without visas, his thoughts on independence and self-determination were even included in the Cuban government’s Jan. 12 immigration declaration."

Solomon's View on Life

Solomon said people commit crimes readily because they are not punished quickly enough, and a criminal may commit hundred crime and still live. Nevertheless, he advised if we have fear of God, everything will be fine for us, but the wicked will not escape death. He said like a shadow the wicked die young - not referencing to Fidel Castro and all those perpetuators mentioned in this piece, but his statement is in reference to us all. So, beware!

Therefore, Solomon said it's nonsense or useless to see in this world where the good man receives the punishment for the wicked man, and the wicked man gets the reward of the good man. Come to think of it, are all those people locked behind bars in Liberia guilty of the crime they accused them of? Why do criminals walk down the streets shoulders high in borrowed robes of honor and the righteous man (one who fears God and does what is right) caught up like an animal in a trap?

Worrying causes pain to our health, therefore, Solomon suggested why not enjoy yourself because the only pleasure a man has in life is to eat and drink and enjoy himself during the short time he finds food for himself in this miserable world.

You'll never understand despite being wise what God does in this world -- no matter how long and hard you think and stay away from sleep at night and day. How harder you try, Solomon said, you'll never know, even scientists claim to know the universe, but they don't.

This renders us to believe that God controls the action of scientists and good men; He controls even their love and hate. Certainly, we don't know the future, likewise, Scientists don't know God's plan for the trillions of planets in our universe.

Ethan• in a Scientific online journal said that our Sun is just one of an estimated two-to-four hundred billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, and there are around two-to-three trillion planets in our galaxy.

He reported that 100-200 billion planets found in our Milky Way, and 10 trillion planets are in our galaxy alone in the universe, therefore, he elaborated, "With at least 200 billion galaxies out there (and possibly even more), we’re very likely talking about a Universe filled with around 1024 planets, or, for those of you who like it written out, around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe."

Scientists perhaps could be accurate to estimate the billions of stars making up a galaxy, the billion of galaxies and the trillion of planets in the universe, yet, they cannot explain correctly God's purpose and significance for the arrangement of the universe.
Also, scientists guess life is in mars, and they're looking for life in the other planets through space exploration, but Ethan says, "Let's keep looking for not just planets, but for water, oxygen, and signs of life," which testifies that God has only shown scientists what He wants them know and nothing more nor less.

Come think of it, how possible the  same fate or destiny awaits the righteous man and the wicked man; the same fate occurs to the good and the bad, to those who go to church and pray to God and to those who don't know God, to those who offer sacrifices and to those who don't?

However, don't think granted you're a good person you're better off than a sinner. Know also that a man who takes an oath isn't better off than a man who doesn't. That's why Solomon said this is as wrong as anything that happens in this world in a situation that we all have the same fate alike.
Solomon cautioned as long as people live, their lives are full of evil and madness, and suddenly, they die. But the living has hope, he said, but adding that the living know we'll die as opposed to the dead that knows nothing at all in that they have no further reward; the dead are completely forgotten. Yes, what dies with them is their love, hate and passion. They'll never again take part in the world of the living.
Therefore, Solomon said we should be happy and cheerful that it's all right with God. God wants us to always look happy and cheerful much more to enjoy the woman you love as long as we live this useless life God has given us in this world. So, we enjoy every useless day of our lives because that's all we'll get for our troubles.
Since we shall all die and in our graves there exists therein no action, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom,  we must work hard now at whatever we do for the great beyond will house us forever.

Just think of it, most people deprive and starve themselves all in the name of saving huge money for troublesome days ahead. However, whilst savings in itself is very good, but what's very bad you deprive yourself from healthy living and food that saves life under the pretext that vegetables and fruits, so expensive, you can't afford them -- what of if you can afford them?

Some people, who lack healthy diet, develop malnutrition and other diseases; they get seriously sick and die a premature death. Do you know that those food rich in nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese, selenium, protein, folate, choline, calcium, zinc, carbohydrates, low colaries, and all the vitamins: A,C,D,E,K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and the rest, help keep the doctor away?

Therefore, eat good food always, and drink red wine from time to time. Learn to be happy and cheerful if you don't have all the means of life, or if you do, either of you will sooner or later realize that life is so short, and suddenly you die, and your riches are not buried with you in the grave.

Also, while it is a good thing to forge ahead in life - to excel in all things - at work, in love and family life - in short, in whatever, bear in mind to be more careful and play safe with a balanced attitude that not too much optimism should ginger our actions. Why, the fast runners don't always win the races; the strong man doesn't always win the fight; wise men don't always earn a living; intelligent men don't always get rich; and capable men don't always rise to the top.

Donald Trump - US 45th President
The US President Donald Trump is a sterling example of a man who rose to the top without political, military, and a Harvard educated experience. According to Forbes, Trump networth is 3.7 billion US dollars as of 2017. This billionaire beat Hilary Clinton, a seasoned politician of the establishment. Brexit - is anther glaring example, when in a referendum, Britain, unbelievably, opted out of the European Union.
We don't get often always what we want in life because bad luck happens to everyone no matter your status in life. You never know when your time is coming; like birds suddenly caught in a trap, like fish caught in a net, we're trapped at some evil moment when we least expect it.
Now, what is the meaning of this writing to you: The Righteous Suffers for the Unrighteous - Who Says God is unjust? Have I convinced you enough that God is not to blame for all the human sufferings, rather, we have ourselves to blame?

Well, in our preceeding exposé, Solomon in Ecc. 8:9 makes the point: "I saw all this when I thought about the things that are done in this world where some people have power and others have to suffer under them."

How true this is? Remember also that God did not create evil or man's evil nature or desires because He's God of love (1 John 4:8), but we have ourselves responsible for human suffering as we've read examples above of the Rwanda genocide of about 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus slaughtered (in July 1994) and the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina (between 1992 to 1995), which claimed more than 200,000 lives, million displaced, millions became refugees in neighboring countries, and much more human suffering.

Come to think of it, was it God who committed the Rwandan genocide and the Kosovo ethnic cleansing? Perhaps, one would argue God could have stopped the killings, couldn't He, you might wonder?

Now, let's reason it out! How could God have stopped the carnage, when He permitted human authorities (Rom.13:1-6) on the ground to provide law and order to protect lives and properties?

For instance, the UN and Belgium forces in Rwanda pulled out in the height of the genocide; the US refused involvement in the conflict; and the French allied to the Hutu government refused to stop the massacre. France was accused of involvement in the slaughter - a charge Paris denied.

Furthermore, during the period of the genocide, local officials and government-sponsored radio stations called on ordinary Rwandan civilians to murder their neighbors.

So, as you can see, God is not unjust -- it's human rulership or humans themselves that are unjust.

The Bible explains in James 1:14,15 what happens to us when our desires make us misbehave:

"But we are tempted when we are drawn away and trapped by our own evil desires. Then our evil desires conceive and give birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

And 1 Tim 6:9,10 says concerning our desires:  "But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and are caught in the trap of many foolish and harmful desires, which pull them down to ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil. Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows."

Therefore, Titus 2:11-14 should resonant in our minds: "For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people. That grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world, as we wait for the blessed Day we hope for, when the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will appear. He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good."

Finally, with all these lies and accusations levied against God, "...The Lord has a case against the nations. He will bring all people to trial and put the wicked to death. The Lord has spoken.’”

The Lord Almighty says that disaster is coming on one nation after another, and a great storm is gathering at the far ends of the earth. On that day the bodies of those whom the Lord has killed will lie scattered from one end of the earth to the other. No one will mourn for them, and they will not be taken away and buried. They will lie on the ground like piles of manure.
Cry, you leaders, you shepherds of my people, cry out loud! Mourn and roll in the dust. The time has come for you to be slaughtered, and you will be butchered like rams. There will be no way for you to escape. You moan and cry out in distress because the Lord in his anger has destroyed your nation and left your peaceful country in ruins.

The Lord has abandoned his people like a lion that leaves its cave. The horrors of war and the Lord's fierce anger have turned the country into a desert."--  (Jeremiah 25:31-38)
Nevertheless, Jeremiah 10: 23-25 should be the prayer we conclude this exhortation before Jehovah brings His punishment upon those practicing wickedness and lying on God:

"Lord, I know that none of us are in charge of our own destiny; none of us have control over our own life. Correct your people, Lord, but do not be too hard on us or punish us when you are angry; that would be the end of us.

Turn your anger on the nations that do not worship you and on the people who reject you. They have killed your people; they have destroyed us completely and left our country in ruins."

Consequently, dear reader, give God the glory, and don't accuse Him for humans' foolishness, and as they say in Liberia, God "has no fish to fry in your oil."
*W. (2016, December 26). Ethnic Cleansing in the Bosnia War. Retrieved Jan. 25, 2017, from
¶Rwanda Genocide. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
#B. (2014, April 7). Rwanda Genocide: 100 days of Slaughter - BBC News. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
•E. (2013, January 5). How many Planets are in the Universe? Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
^W. (n.d.). Fidel Castro Death. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from Fidel Castro's death, an online news website
°Martel, F. (2017, January 23). Cuban Artist El-sexto Freed after two Months in Prison. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from
∆Whitefield, M. (2017, January 25). Fidel Castro is more of a presence in death than in recent life. Retrieved January 25, 2017, from

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

In Your Quiet Moment - Do You Think About Your Life

By Pastor Alfred Massaquoi


Think about  - it necessary sometimes
You may be wondering what kind of question is this writer insinuating: 'In my quiet moment do I think about my life? Is it all the time I must think about my life? Do I have anything to think about? My life is how I made it yesterday? What more again to think about life? My friend, give me a break!
You may be right because you're entitled to your opinion. However, non-cynics would say, 'But this writer has a point there - mustn't I think about my life? Isn't my life more important to God than anything? How do I live my life now in relationship with God?'

Certainly, we must think about our lives, moment by moment, especially so our lives are like bullets, where you direct the bullet, it's where it goes. That's the point! Positive analogy - a non-critic would say.  
About Reputation

At the outset, let's consider  our reputation to that of an expensive perfume. Why would you wear on an expensive perfume and forget to put on a good behavior?
In life, don't you and I know a good behavior is better than an expensive perfume in the sense that if one is of good reputation, like a sweet-smelling perfume, people smell it - people see you - people know or feel you - for you've become to them a sweet-smelling odour?

Oh my gosh! It's sucks - or its a filthy stench should we have a bad character, for people abhor criminal behavior. For instance, in some part of the world, though it's illegal, a thief or an armed robber, when apprehended by angry crowd are often lynched before the police arrived on the scene. Mob violence in this regard shows how disgusting being a thief or armed robbery is.

Another example: a woman is desperate to get a husband, so she does everything the church orders, like fervent and continuous prayers, regularity and constant tithe-paying and other donations and favors to the church, but she forgets to work on her character.

She cannot cook nor is she able  to do domestic chores to maintain a home; she's always busy on personal or work and church matters and hardly spend one hour with her husband; she's ungodly and does not respect, and she runs all over the place in marital unfaithfulness.
Thus, with this character, can this woman keep a healthy marriage? I guess, if you were that husband of hers you'd send her parking on the next available flight to her parents for consultation, wouldn't you?

Do you see why our character is very important in life that worth thinking about? Perhaps for you, you need not think about your life as respect thievery or marriage, but you ought to think about your character in other aspects in your life. 
Mourning Vs Banquet - the Wisdom

Why, wherefore, the day one dies is better than the day he is born, like the armed robber in the illustration above, he wasn't born and immediately began to arm rob. He chose to live his life an armed robber whether by nature or nurture. So, he "died by the sword" either by the hands of the angry mob or at firing squad by the government.
Thus, the day he died is better than the day he was born because at death we had lived our lives, be it good or bad revealed by our character, and people will talk - therefore, your good or bad reputation will finally be determined or ajudged by people after we die - for death being an ultimate end of life afterwards.

That's why it's better we go to the home where people mourn the dead than to where there is party because when we mourn the dead it reminds us the living that we'll die also since death awaits us all.
Why go to a banquet but you ignore the funeral home or the burial site, because sorrow is better than enjoyment; although you may be sadden, it sharpens our understanding about life - about ourselves - as to how we live our lives matters. For if we live a reckless life, Mr. Death stands at the door to sting you in the face to call you home, where the grave opens its mouth to swallow you up forever.
Accepting Counsel is Wise
Therefore, you're a fool if you think about pleasure all the time because wise person thinks about death and comforts himself all the time in the counsel of the wise. You're happy when the wise reprimands you, but sadden when the wicked sing and praise you to death. So, accept the counsel of the wise, but reject the company of fools, for when a fool "laughs it's like thorns crackling in a fire," which doesn't mean a thing.
Conversely, if a wise person cheats, he's acting like a fool, because if you take a bribe you discredit your reputation. Therefore, as the end justifies the means, equally, the end of something is better than it's beginning, as patience is better than pride.
Moreover, to harbor a grudge for someone is foolishness, so control your temper, and don't get angry at every trivial matter, and also, never make such stupid remark: why were things much better in the olden days? Don't let it escape you that everyone living must be wise as wisdom is better than inheritance and as much secured then wealth. Thus, wisdom keeps you safe from the dread of calamity. Yes, it's advantageous than knowledge.
Think of what God has done. Can anyone straighten out what God has made crooked, or can anyone find fault in any of God's creation? Becareful when things are fine for you, be happy, and when trouble strikes, remember that God sends both happiness and trouble; for you never know what is going to happen to you next.
Jehovah gives Wisdom - Be Balance
Although life is miserable, we're grateful to God we've seen everything God created within the limitation of our short life span to the fact of life that a good man may die while another man lives on even though the man living is evil. 
Hence, don't worry and kill yourself over being too good or too wise - same as, don't trust people too much and too less. Also, don't be too wicked or too foolish, either of them will kill you before you know it. Rather, avoid both extremes. Whereas, success and prosperity is a result of reverence for God. Why, because the fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom in that wisdom does more for you than ten presidents can do for a city. Yet, there is no one on earth who does what is right all the time, and does not err.
Remember, if you listen all the time to what people say, don't be surprised one day you hear your house help insulting you - in that in gossip, she says bad things about you as you've said bad things about other people too.
Too much wisdom cannot discover what life truly means, for life is too deep and harder to understand than you think. Similarly, much devotion and study to find out wisdom, or to search for answers to many questions of life, you might end up learning  how wicked and foolish stupidity is.
Fear Woman than Death
We must meditate most time about life
 Furthermore, some say death is bitter - it's an unbeatable enemy, but something more bitter than death is woman, for the love she offers you will "catch you like a trap or like a net, and her arms around you will hold you like a chain."
Do you know how an animal is trapped in the bush? The animal goes for the thing it likes, but unknowingly, it's being led into a trap as lust for a woman is an entrapment because too much of one thing is good for nothing. However, the man who fears God can get away from the snare of a woman, while she catches a sex-crazed man in a bait. 
So, one respects one man in a thousand, but not one woman in a thousand, say wise King Solomon, for the lust or love for women has brought many kings and men of God to square zero. 
This suggests an answer to the most questions we ask today in life. And this is true, God made us plain and simple, but we've complicated our lives with many unsavory things all in the name of finding love or making ends meet. So, only a wise man knows how to live life, because his "wisdom makes him smile and his frowns disappears."
Finally, "no one can keep himself from dying or put off the day of his death. That is the battle we cannot escape; we cannot cheat our way out." (Ec. 7:1-29; 8:1,8)
From the foregoing, what then did you figure out about how rational it compels us to think about our lives moment by moment?
Realistically, when we think about life there are a whole range of things it behooves us to  think about, and paramount, is our reputation we learned is far better than an expensive perfume, which smells elegantly or gives out a foul smell, in the case of an offending character.
In consequence, at death our reputation is proven alluding to the fact of life that better is a man's death than his birth, or a man's end than his beginning reiterating another fact of life that the wise goes to the house of mourning than to the house of banquet. Sorrow is better than laughter because death reminds the living to be sober minded because one day we shall die.
No doubt, wisdom is better than silver and good, and it saves its owner from trouble, which has advantage over knowledge thus resoundingly correct, the fear of Jehovah gives wisdom, understanding and thinking abilities. 
In conclusion, if Jehovah and Christ are absent in our lives, life is worthless living. That's why in our quietude we must think about our lives - yes, how our relationship with God stands? Therefore, the above topic of this essay is justied. Thanks for reading.

Coyright @Alfred Massaquoi 2017

To sustain this research and writing to the Glory of God, and the spiritual upliftment of His Church in these last days, your voluntary donations shall be highly appreciated. In Liberia you can make donation to mobile money number 0770078078. And if you are outside Liberia, you can send donation by Western Union/MoneyGram. Kindly text code number, amount, test question in my name: Alfred Massaquoi, and pls  don't forget to send, your sender's name, country of origin, and telephone number. May the Lord bless you richly.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Crime Pays - that's Why People Won't Stop Corruption

By Alfred Massaquoi
It's not me who first discovered that crime pays! Credit must be given to many socialogists and legal scholars. For a matter of fact, the expression, "Crime pays," was once said by Woody Allen: "I think crime pays.The hours are good and you travel a lot."*
Today, many people have misconstrued believing that crime intrinsically evil, threatens their individual rights, civil liberties, or the very foundation of society.¶
So, to protect themselves, they lock their doors and Windows, insure their properties, and avoid dangerous situations and places because crime is alien, which exists outside organized society.¶
And the popular media portray crime as prostitution, street crime, violence and theft, but what their reportage ignores is the fact that crime comprises thousands of different types of offenses hidden behind the cameras, and often from even the ordinary person's view.¶
White-collar crime in action
Corruption - a White-collar Crime
Consequently, what crops up is one of the most hidden crimes in human criminology, the word,"Corruption" known as "White-collar crime." It is the illegal activities most businesses practice alongside their legitimate everyday business or profession, such as "billions of dollars yearly in price fixing, embezzlement, restraint of trade, stock manipulation, misrepresentation, bribery, false advertising, and consumer fraud. The economic toll from white-coller crime well exceeds the dollar losses from all known robberies, burglaries and other theft - it is rarely considered.¶
Nonetheless, the legalistic origin of the word crime is rooted in Latin called "Crimen," which means "judgment, accusation, or offense."¶ Yet, although there are many definitions of crime offered by social scientists and legal scholars, within the legal scope, Lawyer and Sociologist Paul W. Tappan's definition of crime, for this piece, could be quite easy to understand the theme: 'Crime Pays - that's Why People Won't Stop Corruption.'
Crime an Act or Omission
According to him, "Crime is an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law (statutory and case law) committed with defense, justification and sanction by the state as a felony or misdemeanor."¶
In my view of Tappen's definition of crime as regards the phrase, "Act or omission," you don't commit a crime if you're not caught redhanded in the act, or, if caught, the prosecution failed to convict you "beyond all reasonable doubt."
To explain further, for instance, one by law, is not punished for his thought, say, you said, "I'm going to steal." Therefore, if there's to be a crime of theft, equally, there must be an act or omission or an act that is legally required.
We take yet another situation: you actually committed the crime when you put to action your thought, for instance, you said you'd kill your wife for cheating on you - and there would be no crime unless you killed her, or the attempt to kill her occurred. To put in another words, you deliberated to kill your wife or husband, and the killing occurred - it's murder at forethought. And the court would look at the facts and law and convict you for murder, perhaps, for first degree murder.
What then do I mean 'Crime Pays - that's Why People Won't Stop Corruption? Do I mean that since crime pays - when you're not caught - people must go about committing corruption? 
What does this mean in the context of God? Does God think the crime we commit everyday is a good thing because it pays? Then, what do I mean crime pays? What payment now and forever do we yet from committing crime? In perspective, what's the consequence, and how can we guide against such disgraceful folly?
In the illustration, the man who killed his wife was not caught redhanded in the act; for example, there was no evidence levied against him he killed his wife. 
Proof Criminality Pays
Even though all attempts failed to convict him, it does not mean, he has won a major court battle - because he's not free before God. The Bible says,  "All things are naked before God's eyes." 
The murderer gets off scot-free without evidence - thus, he has no remorse because to him it was a good thing he murdered his wife to end the cheating. To him, the crime of wife murder pays off - to him, he gets revenge - a satisfaction and pleasure from murder against infidelity whilst he goes unpunished. 
Similarly, crime pays for a dishonest or corrupt person, or for the commercial sex worker who gets paid for sex. She's happy for sexual gratification, yet happier because of what money can buy, otherwise, she wouldn't have spent time in the streets laning into car windows, prowling on corners and flagging down motorists.

Today, corruption is so rampant because most corrupt practices in government, business and individuals are swept underneath the carpet - yes, carefully hidden from public view. In short, people get away with corruption or white-collar crime with impunity.
The irony is that the poor often gets into trouble. He doesn't get away with corruption, especially, when he's caught, unlike the rich and powerful who often bribe their way out of trouble unharmed.
It's the poor man who is unfortunate when he steals a goat, for example, and when he's caught, he goes to jail in a twinkle of an eye to serve his prison term, but the bigshot who embezzled millions of dollars of tax-payers' money, tends to escape prosecution, especially, in Africa, and Liberia, my country, for that matter.
Dishonesty, lies, theft, misrepresentation, price fixing, kickbacks, fraud, bribes and many hidden crimes frequently go unpunished. Hence, crime pays; for those who commit crime would stop were they caught and punished severely.
Criminals have accomplices
 Another reason people are not caught frequently for committing corruption is that abettors¶ are to blame. They, themselves, enjoy the fringe benefits from corruption. 
How? These would go at great length to cover-up every traces of the crime, else the money or other support would cease coming forth. Thus, abettors, with the requisite criminal intent, encourages, promotes, instigates, or stands ready to perpetuate the crime.¶
A said abettor can also become an accessory of the fact in that although he abets the crime, he wasn't present at the time the crime was committed. Further, this abettor can become an accessory after the fact, when he knows about the crime or felony committed, and receives, relieves, comforts, and assists the felony to hinder apprehension or conviction.¶
Wherefore, people become parties to corruption, when they assist, aid or abet, incite, or otherwise encourage others to commit crime.¶
As we have seen, there's a criminal intent (mens  rea) when a person's awareness of what is right and wrong under the law with an intention to violate the law.¶ 
More Evidence that Crime Pays
Now, from the foregoing exposé, one can fully understand why corruption pays for most criminals. However, this other brief illustration can help you understand yet better: a rich married man because of sex, pays a prostitute whatever, such as furnishing her apartment house, buying her a new car, and giving lots of spending money - commonly practice in Liberia.
Yet, we all know from the Bible's standpoint adultery and funication are wrong, but it's perpetrated by individuals because of the happiness or pleasure they derive from sexual immorality. The married man enjoys sexual gratification, while the young woman enjoys either sexual gratification or the financial benefits that comes with illicit sexual intercourse.
Another illustration will drive home the point: the benevolent pastor sets up a church for financial gains than to please God. One of the strategies they employ today is to tap on your belief of witchcraft. 
Once you believe evil spirits are out to harm you, in respite, you would seek supernatural powers to fight back, which obviously would lead you to the church where much money exchange hands. And the pastor would exploit the situation or your belief in witchcraft in demand of money or what have you for his financial rewards. 
He drives an expensive car, owns a villa, and an air-conditioning in his bathroom,  can afford a jet, and anything money can buy, makes the pastor happy that his material wants, and his ability to financially care for his family are being satisfied in addition to the prestigious title, dignity and authority, being a pastor.
These illustrations go to explain why criminality cannot be stopped, but can be minimized if not put under check - where there's a deterrent against the violator, there's some sanity in civilized society. 
Sadly, in today's sinful world so full of trouble, talking about crime pays makes the scrupulous squeamish and makes criminal happy to hear that, but from God's standpoint, criminality is abhorrent that the person deserves to die for serious felony. God is the 'One and 0nly' person that can eradicate criminals from the face of this earth. Humans cannot, because we're imperfect! We too commit crime, granted the writer of this script too, is a sinner.
Bible Proof Crime Does Not Pay
However, what should be checks and balances in our imperfect lives, and put us aright with God, is the consideration of biblical accounts of how individuals and whole nations were punished by God for corruption, will remain in us a food for thought and a morbid fear of God to want to please him by turning aside from corruption.
The last of the account we shall read is Achan; he was a thief. He committed corruption. We shall see what became of him. But first let's read in detail the following scriptures below about other criminally corrupt individuals in the Bible that thought that corruption pays.
2Ki 5:1-26
“Go in peace,” Elisha said. And Naaman left.
He had gone only a short distance, when Elisha's servant Gehazi said to himself, “My master has let Naaman get away without paying a thing! He should have accepted what that Syrian offered him. By the living Lord I will run after him and get something from him.” So he set off after Naaman. When Naaman saw a man running after him, he got down from his chariot to meet him, and asked, “Is something wrong?”
“No,” Gehazi answered. “But my master sent me to tell you that just now two members of the group of prophets in the hill country of Ephraim arrived, and he would like you to give them three thousand pieces of silver and two changes of fine clothes.”
“Please take six thousand pieces of silver,” Naaman replied. He insisted on it, tied up the silver in two bags, gave them and two changes of fine clothes to two of his servants, and sent them on ahead of Gehazi. When they reached the hill where Elisha lived, Gehazi took the two bags and carried them into the house. Then he sent Naaman's servants back. He went back into the house, and Elisha asked him, “Where have you been?”
“Oh, nowhere, sir,” he answered.
But Elisha said isn't I there in spirit when the man got out of his chariot to meet you? This is no time to accept money and clothes, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and cattle, or servants! And now Naaman's disease will come upon you, and you and your descendants will have it forever!”
When Gehazi left, he had the disease—his skin was as white as snow.

Ananias and Sapphira

Acts 5:1-11:
But there was a man named Ananias, who with his wife Sapphira sold some property that belonged to them. But with his wife's agreement he kept part of the money for himself and turned the rest over to the apostles. 
Peter said to him, “Ananias, why did you let Satan take control of you and make you lie to the Holy Spirit by keeping part of the money you received for the property? Before you sold the property, it belonged to you; and after you sold it, the money was yours. Why, then, did you decide to do such a thing? You have not lied to people—you have lied to God!” As soon as Ananias heard this, he fell down dead; and all who heard about it were terrified. 
The young men came in, wrapped up his body, carried him out, and buried him.
About three hours later his wife, not knowing what had happened, came in. Peter asked her, “Tell me, was this the full amount you and your husband received for your property?”
“Yes,” she answered, “the full amount.”
So Peter said to her, “Why did you and your husband decide to put the Lord's Spirit to the test? The men who buried your husband are at the door right now, and they will carry you out too!” At once she fell down at his feet and died. The young men came in and saw that she was dead, so they carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 1The whole church and all the others who heard of this were terrified.

Naboth Killed by Jezebel for land

1Kings 21:1-28:

Near King Ahab's palace in Jezreel there was a vineyard owned by a man named Naboth. One day Ahab said to Naboth, “Let me have your vineyard; it is close to my palace, and I want to use the land for a vegetable garden. I will give you a better vineyard for it or, if you prefer, I will pay you a fair price.”
“I inherited this vineyard from my ancestors,” Naboth replied. “The Lord forbid that I should let you have it!”
Ahab went home, depressed and angry over what Naboth had said to him. He lay down on his bed, facing the wall, and would not eat. His wife Jezebel went to him and asked, “Why are you so depressed? Why won't you eat?”
He answered, “Because of what Naboth said to me. I offered to buy his vineyard or, if he preferred, to give him another one for it, but he told me that I couldn't have it!”
“Well, are you the king or aren't you?” Jezebel replied. “Get out of bed, cheer up, and eat. I will get you Naboth's vineyard!”
Then she wrote some letters, signed Ahab's name to them, sealed them with his seal, and sent them to the officials and leading citizens of Jezreel. The letters said: “Proclaim a day of fasting, call the people together, and give Naboth the place of honor. Get a couple of scoundrels to accuse him to his face of cursing God and the king. Then take him out of the city and stone him to death.”
The officials and leading citizens of Jezreel did what Jezebel had commanded. They proclaimed a day of fasting, called the people together, and gave Naboth the place of honor. The two scoundrels publicly accused him of cursing God and the king, and so he was taken outside the city and stoned to death. The message was sent to Jezebel: “Naboth has been put to death.”
As soon as Jezebel received the message, she said to Ahab, “Naboth is dead. Now go and take possession of the vineyard which he refused to sell to you.” At once Ahab went to the vineyard to take possession of it.
Then the Lord said to Elijah, the prophet from Tishbe, “Go to King Ahab of Samaria. You will find him in Naboth's vineyard, about to take possession of it. Tell him that I, the Lord, say to him, ‘After murdering the man, are you taking over his property as well?’ Tell him that this is what I say: ‘In the very place that the dogs licked up Naboth's blood they will lick up your blood!’”
When Ahab saw Elijah, he said, “Have you caught up with me, my enemy?”
“Yes, I have,” Elijah answered. “You have devoted yourself completely to doing what is wrong in the Lord's sight. So the Lord says to you, ‘I will bring disaster on you. I will do away with you and get rid of every male in your family, young and old alike. Your family will become like the family of King Jeroboam son of Nebat and like the family of King Baasha son of Ahijah, because you have stirred up my anger by leading Israel into sin.’ And concerning Jezebel, the Lord says that dogs will eat her body in the city of Jezreel. Any of your relatives who die in the city will be eaten by dogs, and any who die in the open country will be eaten by vultures.”
(There was no one else who had devoted himself so completely to doing wrong in the Lord's sight as Ahab—all at the urging of his wife Jezebel. He committed the most shameful sins by worshiping idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the Lord had driven out of the land as the people of Israel advanced.)
When Elijah finished speaking, Ahab tore his clothes, took them off, and put on sackcloth. He refused food, slept in the sackcloth, and went about gloomy and depressed.
The Lord said to the prophet Elijah, “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Since he has done this, I will not bring disaster on him during his lifetime; it will be during his son's lifetime that I will bring disaster on Ahab's family.”

Achan's Sin

Joshua 7:1-26
The Lord's command to Israel not to take from Jericho anything that was to be destroyed was not obeyed. A man named Achan disobeyed that order, and so the Lord was furious with the Israelites. (Achan was the son of Carmi and grandson of Zabdi, and belonged to the clan of Zerah, a part of the tribe of Judah.)
Joshua sent some men from Jericho to Ai, a city east of Bethel, near Bethaven, with orders to go and explore the land. When they had done so, they reported back to Joshua: “There is no need for everyone to attack Ai. Send only about two or three thousand men. Don't send the whole army up there to fight; it is not a large city.” So about three thousand Israelites made the attack, but they were forced to retreat. The men of Ai chased them from the city gate as far as some quarries and killed about thirty-six of them on the way down the hill. Then the Israelites lost their courage and were afraid.
Joshua and the leaders of Israel tore their clothes in grief, threw themselves to the ground before the Lord's Covenant Box, and lay there till evening, with dust on their heads to show their sorrow. And Joshua said, “Sovereign Lord! Why did you bring us across the Jordan at all? To turn us over to the Amorites? To destroy us? Why didn't we just stay on the other side of the Jordan? What can I say, O Lord, now that Israel has retreated from the enemy? The Canaanites and everyone else in the country will hear about it. They will surround us and kill every one of us! And then what will you do to protect your honor?”
The Lord said to Joshua, “Get up! Why are you lying on the ground like this? Israel has sinned! They have broken the agreement with me that I ordered them to keep. They have taken some of the things condemned to destruction. They stole them, lied about it, and put them with their own things. 
This is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies. They retreat from them because they themselves have now been condemned to destruction! I will not stay with you any longer unless you destroy the things you were ordered not to take! Get up! Purify the people and get them ready to come before me. Tell them to be ready tomorrow, because I, the Lord God of Israel, have this to say: ‘Israel, you have in your possession some things that I ordered you to destroy! You cannot stand against your enemies until you get rid of these things!’ 
So tell them that in the morning they will be brought forward, tribe by tribe. The tribe that I pick out will then come forward, clan by clan. The clan that I pick out will come forward, family by family. The family that I pick out will come forward, one by one. The one who is then picked out and found with the condemned goods will be burned, along with his family and everything he owns, for he has brought terrible shame on Israel and has broken my covenant.”
Early the next morning Joshua brought Israel forward, tribe by tribe, and the tribe of Judah was picked out. He brought the tribe of Judah forward, clan by clan, and the clan of Zerah was picked out. Then he brought the clan of Zerah forward, family by family, and the family of Zabdi was picked out. 
He then brought Zabdi's family forward, one by one, and Achan, the son of Carmi and grandson of Zabdi, was picked out. Joshua said to him, “My son, tell the truth here before the Lord, the God of Israel, and confess. Tell me now what you have done. Don't try to hide it from me.”
“It's true,” Achan answered. “I have sinned against the Lord, Israel's God, and this is what I did. Among the things we seized I saw a beautiful Babylonian cloak, about five pounds of silver, and a bar of gold weighing over one pound. I wanted them so much that I took them. You will find them buried inside my tent, with the silver at the bottom.”
So Joshua sent some men, who ran to the tent and found that the condemned things really were buried there, with the silver at the bottom. They brought them out of the tent, took them to Joshua and all the Israelites, and laid them down in the presence of the LordJoshua, along with all the people of Israel, seized Achan, the silver, the cloak, the bar of gold, together with Achan's sons and daughters, his cattle, donkeys, and sheep, his tent, and everything else he owned; and they took them to Trouble Valley.
And Joshua said, “Why have you brought such trouble on us? The Lord will now bring trouble on you!” All the people then stoned Achan to death; they also stoned and burned his family and possessions. They put a huge pile of stones over him, which is there to this day. That is why that place is still called Trouble Valley.
Then the Lord was no longer furious.

Today the Criminal  Justice System is robust. 
As we have seen many take to crime today because it pays them ( the satisfaction or joy it brings to seek wealth, happiness, fame, sexual gratification, and other fringe benefits).
Evidently, in Bible times crime did not pay off many corrupt individuals, such as Gehzi, Ananias and Sapphira, Jezebel and King Ahab, and Achan. They died. This serves as a warning example today that no sin goes unpunished. After all, crime does not pay, as it were - that's why you must stop corruption!
*Inciardi, J. A. (2005).CRIMINAL JUSTICE(Seventh 2004-2005 Update ed., Crime and the Nature of Crime - p. 25-34). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
#All scriptural quotations from the Good News Bible
Copyright @2017 Alfred Massaquoi

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